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pISSN 1226-3907 / eISSN 2288-9027
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Hoang Khang Le, Thanh Tung Phan, Thi Thuy Duong Ngo, Cong Luan Tran, Poul Erik Hansen, Quang Ton That
Vietnam boasts a rich and diverse flora, with many endemic species. Among them, Ngoc Linh ginseng (Vietnamese ginseng; scientific name: Ha et Grushv.), a high-...
Fatima EzzahraeSmouni, Mohamed Achraf Bentayn, Amina Bari, Abdenbi El Karkouri, Hind Hami, Sanae Jennan
In this research, we evaluated the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts from four distinct parts of from Morocco (fl...
Pectolinarin Against Amyloid-beta-induced Neuroinflammation and Apoptosis In vitro
Mei Tong He, Byeong Wook Noh, Hyun Young Kim, Ah Young Lee, Eun Ju Cho
An excess of amyloid beta (Aβ) led to a rise in ROS production, which in turn caused inflammatory reactions and mitochondrial dysfunction, both of which acceler...
Tae-Young Gil, Hyo-Jung Kim, Hye-Min Kim, Ha-Yeon Sim, Woolim Choi, Bum Soo Lee, Ki Hyun Kim, Hyo-Jin An
Prolonged skin inflammation is caused by disrupted skin barrier resulting in chronic inflammatory diseases such as atopic dermatitis. As a potent natural produc...
Citronellic Acid Improves Skin Barrier Function by Activation of PPAR-α
Bora Kim
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPAR)- is a critical regulator of skin conditions of skin inflammatory disorders, hyper-proliferation, and abnormal...
Antioxidant Compounds of Sambucus pendula Stem
Dong-Min Kang, Ji-Min Kwon, Woo-Jin Jeong, Bashu Dev Neupane, Mi-Jeong Ahn
(Viburnaceae) is an Ulleung-do native plant belonging to the species, widely known as “Jeob-Gol-Mok”. In this study, the antioxidant activity of methanol ext...
Anti-inflammatory and Cytotoxic Effects of Compounds from the Aerial Parts of Achillea alpina L.
Thi Thanh Le, Byung Sun Min
alpina L. is a medicinal herb belonging to the Asteraceae family. Its leaves are used as a vegetable and for treating stomach ailments in Korea. Our current re...
Yun Na Kim, Eun Ju Jeong
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one the most common urinary disorders in elderly men, occurring when the prostate, which surrounding the urethra, undergoe...
Ngan Thi Tran, Phuong Nguyen Thi Thu, Mai-Ngan Thi Le, Quynh-Mai Thi Ngo
(Christm.) Rosc. is a popular traditional herb to treat digestive disorders in Asian tropical countries. Previous studies indicated the presence of sesquiterpe...
Alkaloids with Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities from Crinum latifolium L.
Vu Thi Trang, Pham Van Cong, Nguyen Van Dan, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Do Thanh Tuan, Le Tuan Anh, Hoang Dac Thang, Ngo Viet Duc, Hoang Le Tuan Anh
A new crinane-type alkaloid, 6-epihydroxypowelline (), together with six known alkaloids, lycorine (), 2--acetyllycorine (), deacetylbowdensine (), 1-epideacety...